Where can this go 3

I wonder if it is possible for communities to display signs of stress differently from individuals. Since ‘mob mentality’ is different from individual behaviours, especially in times of stress, it may be that groups will have behaviours that are distinctly unique from individuals. We may be able to monitor stress in individuals, and from that determine what their stressors are, and from that identify the actual obstructions that prevent their needs from being addressed – how do we do this in groups?

A sense of community is built by doing emotional work together as a group.  Since our culture tries to avoid emotional work in general, community is a fragile thing, but provides immense resilience.  Perhaps the lack of a sense of community can be used as an indicator of underlying community obstructions?

And would there be a parallel in families?  Is there a sense of family that can be disrupted when there are obstructions at a family scale?


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