
All this talk is great – just like all of the other talk on Sustainability that has occurred over the last 30 years. Since the Club of Rome first showed people that bad things were going to happen if we didn’t change to something else, we’ve been talking. Some of the talk focused on how little we could change and still avoid the worst effects (even if just for a small subset of the whole). Some of the talk focused on how much we would have to change. And some has been on just how bad things will be even if we do change. Talk, talk, talk.

So. What do we do about it? What is the Walk? For me, it is living on a farm (that others are farming) and heating with wood that we grow here (generally, cutting standing dead around the perimeter of the fields is plenty). But that doesn’t make any real difference for anyone else. Even when the real value of food rises significantly at the end of the current oil surplus, and I convert my land into a more intensive form of agriculture, I will still be doing nearly nothing to follow the Walk.  This blog itself is just Talk, but it provides a demonstration that Walking is possible in a meaningful way.  To make it real, I will have to include these concepts in my practice of engineering, which ultimately means educating clients.  More Talk…

What have you done, or will you do, to Walk the Talk? What is the Walk for you? Comments are open. I’d love to hear from you.

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